
Ayurvedic nasyam treatment is a type of nasal therapy in which herbal concoctions, medicated oils, or powders are introduced through the nasal cavity. The procedure involves administering the medication through the nostrils while lying in a supine position.

It can promote overall wellness by balancing the body's doshas (energies) and improving physical and mental health. Our ayurvedic medicines have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties that help in combating infections and reducing inflammation.

Need of this treatment

Nasyam is a therapeutic Ayurvedic treatment that involves the administration of medicated oils or herbal extracts through the nose. The procedure is mostly used for treating diseases related to the head and neck, such as sinusitis, headache, migraine, eye diseases, ear problems, and neurological disorders.

This treatment helps in cleansing and purifying the nasal passages, removing excess mucus, and improving the flow of air to the lungs and the brain. It also promotes mental clarity, relieves stress and anxiety, and enhances overall immunity and well-being.

How Nasyam helps?
  • Cleanses the nasal passages: Nasyam helps to clear the nasal passages, which can improve both physical and mental health.
  • Alleviates respiratory problems: It can help alleviate respiratory problems such as congestion, asthma, allergies, and sinusitis.
  • Treats neurological disorders: Our Nasyam ayurvedic treatment can also be beneficial in treating neurological disorders such as paralysis, facial palsy, and other conditions affecting the brain and nervous system.
  • Helps with mental health: It can help regulate mood and reduce anxiety.
  • Improves immunity: Our treatment helps boost the immune system, making the body stronger and more capable of fighting off infections.